Rules, Regulations & Waivers

The Ontario Inter-Club supplemental rules package, along with any technical bulletins or updates, is provided below. Competitors are responsible for familiarizing themselves with these rules, as they may differ from those they are accustomed to. Each event will begin with a Driver’s Meeting to clarify the rules, but all competitors are expected to have read the rules package in advance.

Club Regulations

Click below for the club regulations for each track.
Please note that all races will be conducted under the regulations of the home club.

Online Waiver

Each competitor and mechanic must complete an online waiver for every event and present it at registration. To streamline the process, we strongly encourage completing the waiver prior to lining up at registration. Taking a screenshot of the completed waiver is highly recommended, as cell reception can be unreliable at some tracks. Below, you’ll find links to the waivers for each track.

Early Bird Registration


Register early for all 3 rounds and save big. Early Bird Registration closes April 16th!